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AddEntityCall AddEntity to add a child entity.
AssignEntityCopies properties of source entity to current entity.
ClearCall Clear to delete all child entities.
CreateCreates internal objects after creating this object
DeleteEntityCall DeleteEntity to delete entity.
EntNameCall EntName to get the name of a block.
InsertEntityCall InsertEntity to add a specified entity to the list of child entities.
Derived from TsgDXFGroupDescription
DestroyFrees up internal objects before destroying this object
IterateThe method converts DXF/DWG tree structure to a linear sequence of entities, similar to Windows metafile.
Derived from TsgDXFEntityDescription
CloneThe method copies properties of source entity to current entity (include Handle).
DrawThe method generates the OnDraw event.
GetBoxPointsThe method is used in drawing cycle for fast checking whether the entity must be drawn.
GetThicknessThe method returns entity's thickness.
SetLTypeThe method sets line type of the entity.
SetLWeightThe method sets line weight width of the entity.